10 major military conflicts expected in 2022

Foreign Policy edition predicted the 10 most anticipated conflicts that may happen next year. The authors of the material note that the number of large wars in general decreased, “despite the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin threatens Ukraine,” writes Gazeta.ru.

“Now more local conflicts are raging than ever, but they are usually less intense. For the most part of the war of the 21st century, less deadly than their predecessors of the 20th century,” the publication notes.

According to the author’s team, Ukraine remains one of the hottest points.

Putin held a new red feature in relations with NATO, rejecting not only the idea of ​​joining Ukraine to the Alliance, which will actually happen soon, but also growing military cooperation between Kiev and NATO members, which is already happening. Russia offers a new European order, which will prevent further expansion of NATO east and limit his military deployment and activity, “writes FP.

The publication also draws attention to the conflict in Ethiopia between the federal center and representatives of the former regime – rebels from the region of Tygrai. Among other things, an escalation is expected in Afghanistan, Yemen, Haiti and Myanmar.

In addition, the authors warn about the possible exacerbation in US and China, Israel and Palestine relations, as well as in the triangle Iran-USA-Israel. The publication also causes concern that the establishments of the Islamists were intensified in Africa, including Boko Haram and Harakat Ash-Shabab.