105-year-old birthday girl shared secret of longevity

A resident of the capital of Jamaica – Kingston celebrated the 105th anniversary and told about the secret of her longevity, writes “Lenta.ru” with reference to Jamaica Star.

Another birthday of Ivey Allen noted on Wednesday, June 16, in a circle of family and friends. On the table, among other things, a favorite pensioner dish – shrimp in curry sauce.

Avi was born in 1916 the second of 11 children of his parents. Allen herself also became a mother of 11 children, but before her 105th birthday lived only five of them. The pensioner has many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, which she calls the most important in his life.

On the question of Health, she replied that he had never been sick anything, but many of her friends died during the outbreaks of polio on the island. Allen explained his longevity as follows: “I guess I live so long because I didn’t do evil to people. I see that many do bad, but it is unable to such a thing. I treat everyone with love, and God loves me in response.”