4 civilians became victims of Assad regime in Aleppo, 11 were injured

victims of the attack of the forces of the Bashar al -Assad regime in the Dareth area in the Syrian Aleppo became 4 civilians, another 11 was injured.

According to representatives of the Civil Defense Department (White Helmets), the Syrian army and Iranian terrorist groups fired from the village of Nubbul in the north-west of Aleppo.

The wounded are hospitalized.

At a meeting in Astana in 2017, Turkey, Russia and Iran decided to create four “de -escalation zones” in the territory not controlled by the Damassian authorities.

Assad regime, the terrorists supported by Iran continued attacks, captured three of the four zones and rushed towards Idlib.

Although in September 2018, Turkey reached an additional agreement on strengthening the ceasefire with Russia, in May 2019, attacks intensified again.

After a new agreement between Turkey and Russia dated March 5, 2020, the ceasefire is mainly maintained.

approximately 2 million civilians of the Arab Republic, escaping from attacks in 2017-2020, were forced to flee to areas located in the immediate vicinity of the Turkish border.