49 years have passed since operation to maintain peace in Cyprus

49 years have passed since the beginning of the Turkish Armed Forces to maintain peace in Cyprus aimed at protecting the rights of the Turkish community of the island.

The events that prepared the ground for surgery in Cyprus began in 1959: Turkey, Great Britain, Greece, as well as the Turkish and Greek communities of Cyprus signed the Zurich and London agreements, which became a prerequisite for the creation of the Republic of Cyprus.

The guarantors of this process were all three countries (Turkey, Great Britain and Greece).

In the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus, created in 1960 in accordance with international treaties and on the basis of partnership between Turks-Cypriots and Greeks-Cipriotes, two peoples were granted equal political rights and status.

However, since 1963, armed groups of Greeks-Kiprotes since 1963 began to attack representatives of the Turkish community of the island. The pressure and power of the Turkish-kypriots were removed from power on the island.

The goal of the Greek community was the accession of Cyprus to Greece. In 1963-1974, the pressure on the Turkish community of Cyprus increased.

One of the leaders of the EOKA-B group, Nikos Samson, with the support of the military junta in Greece, raised the rebellion in Cyprus and overthrew the president of the island, archbishop of Makarios.

Immediately after this, a meeting of the Turkish National Security Council was convened in Ankara. At the end of the meeting, the Turkish Prime Minister Buent Ezhevit instructed to begin preparations for the landing of troops in Cyprus.

Criticism of the world community regarding the military regime of Cyprus formed favorable conditions for the further actions of Ankara.

However, other guarantees did not support the initiative of Turkey. Nevertheless, Ankara took advantage of her guarantor rights and, taking into account the issue of ensuring the safety of Turkish-kipriots, July 20, 1974 began surgery to maintain peace in Cyprus.

The head of the Turkish government, Buvant Ezhevit in his historical speech regarding the beginning of the operation, expressed confidence that Turkey’s actions will contribute to reaching the world in Cyprus.

“I hope that it will be possible to avoid armed clashes and bloodshed. We sent our troops to the island not for the war, but in the name of peace. Turkey stands for the world not only for the Turkish, but also for the Greek community of Cyprus,” said Edgevit.

The operation to maintain peace in Cyprus was completed at 17:00 on June 22, 1974 at the UN call.

Against the backdrop of the failure of negotiations in Geneva, on August 14, the second stage of the operation began. On August 16, a ceasefire was announced. The operation has successfully completed, the safety of Turkish-kypriots was ensured.

After the operation, Turki-Kipriota created their management

Immediately after the operation, which led to the current borders in Cyprus, on October 1, 1974, an autonomous administration of the Turks-Cipriotes was created.