6 agreements were signed between Turkey and Tanzania

Between the Turkish Republic and the United Republic of Tanzania, 6 agreements were signed in the field of promotion and assistance to investment, higher education, archives, scholarships for higher education.

Memorandum of mutual understanding of cooperation in the field of promotion and promoting investments between the Turkish Republic and the United Republic of Tanzania was signed by the Vice President of the investment office of Turkey Zeynel Kylynch and General Director of the Tanzania investment center Gilead Teri.

Memorandum of mutual understanding of cooperation in the field of scholarships for obtaining higher education between the Office for Turks abroad and related communities of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Turkish Republic and the Ministry of National Education, Science and Technology of the United Republic of Tanzania was signed by Eren and Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African cooperation of Tanzania by January Yusuf Makmaba.

Memorandum of mutual understanding of cooperation in the field of scholarships for obtaining higher education between the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Turkish Republic and the Ministry of Education and Professional Training of Zanzibar was signed by the President of the Department of the Ministry of Culture of Turkish Republic Abdullah Eren, Minister of Education and Professional Training of Zanzibar Lela Mukhamed Moussa.

Memorandum of mutual understanding of cooperation in the field of diaspora policy between the Office for Turks abroad and the communities of the Ministry of Culture of the Ministry of Culture of the Turkish Republic and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the East African Cooperation of the United Republic of Tanzania was also signed by Eren and Makamba.

The Cooperation Protocol between the Department of State Archives under the President of the Republic of Turkey and the Department of Documentation and Archives of the United Republic of Tanzania was signed by the President of the State Archive Professor Uhur Unal and Minister Makambo.

Memorandum of mutual understanding of cooperation in the field of higher education between the Presidium of the Council for Higher Education (Yök) of the Turkish Republic and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the United Republic of Tanzania was signed by the President of YOök, Professor Erool Love, and Minister of Makamba.