A way to save world ocean

Scientists of the London Zoological Society found a way as in the context of global warming to save the world ocean. They offered to use artificial corals. Similar objects are able to protect the population of polyps that build reefs and are indicators of pollution of the planet, writes The Guardian.

Researchers check the opportunity to help the ocean ecosystem by creating new robust strains of corals that can survive in overheated due to the climatic crisis and human activity of the oceans. Increasing the temperature of the water in a natural coral reef environment, excessive fishing, waterproof leads to their discoloration and extinction. Special laboratories for learning invertebrates built in the London Zoo.

One of the objectives of the study is to find species that can be better survived in warm and polluted water. Other – artificially increase the speed of reproduction of corals. Usually tiny coral polyps that build reefs are spawn only once a year.

“Corals can survive in very harsh conditions. When something goes wrong in the oceans, these creatures react first, we are observing now. Reefs die, it means that our planet is not all right,” said Paul Pier Pearce-Kelly, a senior curator on invertebrate and fish of the London zoological society.

Scientists warn that humanity can lose 90 percent of reefs by 2050, if it urgently does not take measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “Saving coral reefs is now a critical environmental purpose,” Pierce Celly added.