ACS Russia studied experience of using drones in war in Karabakh

“In the course of combat training in military units of the Russian Air Defense, the experience of the conflict in Karabakh was taken into account, where the intelligence and shock UAVs were used for the first time.” This was announced in an interview with the newspaper “Independent Military Review”, the commander of the war-air and missile defense troops – Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aircraft Forces, Lieutenant-General Andrei Demin.

General noted that the combat training in military units was organized on planned classes, improved during exercises with compounds and units of air defense, including leaving for the polygons: “The experience of conflict in Karabakh is taken into account, where the intelligence intelligence was used for the first time. and shock UAVs. In 2021, the combat experience gained by air-space forces in Syria was introduced during tactical teachings, at Ashuluk and Telemb polygons. “