Africa: declared end of outbreak of Ebola

On Thursday, December 16, the authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo announced the end of the outbreak of Ebola, which took the life of 6 people from October of this year, reports Reuters.

Earlier in October, the country announced the beginning of the 13th outbreak of the disease in the east of the country, which caused concerns of repetition of the epidemic of 2018-2020, which reduced the lives of almost 2300 people.

“My heart-hearted congratulations to medical workers who stopped their strike to cope with this epidemic,” said Jean Jacuque Health Minister.

In turn, the head of WHO in Africa Matdiso Moethy thanked the DRC for preventing the spread of infection.

Note that the virus that causes severe vomiting and diarrhea and transmitting contact with biological fluids was first detected by the Ebola River in 1976.