After searches: all lawyers refuse Trump

US-President Donald Trump and his assistants for eight days after the Mar-A-Lela in the staff of Florida Searks are trying to gather a “team of respected lawyers”, but they refuse to represent the interests of the politician, writes The Washington Post from link to sources.

“Everyone is not told to him,” an authoritative resident lawyer told the publication on conditions of anonymity.

Trump intends to find a criminal lawyer with extensive experience working with the US Department of Justice. The proxies of the 45th president of the United States and his advisers are extremely concerned about the lawyers who are already working for him. They believe that most of them have almost no experience in such matters, the publication notes. In turn, the representative of the ex-president Taylor Budovich made a statement and emphasized that Trump is represented by “one of the strongest lawyers in the country”, and any assumption of the weakness of the team of his lawyers is “dictated only by envy.”

According to the newspaper, usually the representation of the interests of the former president in the lawyer is considered a prestigious business, but sources claim that Trump’s character interferes with the search for competent lawyers.