Ali Aliyev threw a month in prison

In the Yasamal district court, the process was completed on a complaint filed by the captain of the State Border Service Ramin Adilov regarding the previously arrested Chairman of the Party of Citizens and Development Ali Aliyev.

On the process chaired by the judge declared a decision. Earlier, by a court decision, Ali Aliyev was sentenced to 5 months in prison. The accused was sentenced to a total of 6 months of imprisonment with a partial accrual of previous penalties.

Recall that Ali Aliyev is accused of defeating the head of the state border office of Colonel-General Elchin Gulieva and victims of the victim of the helicopter Mi-17 of the State Border Service on the territory of Hizu.

Previously, the colonel-lieutenant Emil Jafarov and Captain Ramin Adilov, victims of the helicopter with a complaint of a politician in Yasamalsky district court, were addressed to the court.

The reason for the appeal of officers to the court was the statement of the Chairman of the Party on December 9, 2021 on the OSTUBE channel “Osmangızı TV” that it was impossible to survive with such a crash. And the tragedy was inspired by interested political forces.