Aliyev: Zangezur Corridor must function similarly to Lachinsky

The Zangezo Corridor should function similarly to the Lachin Corridor, if Yerevan will insist on the installation of customs points on the Zangezur Corridor, then Baku will insist on identical conditions in the Lachin Corridor. This was announced by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on December 14 during a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels.

“The point of the opening of the Zangezur Corridor is provided for in the trilateral statement of the leaders of Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation and Armenia of November 10, 2020. Thus, this is a commitment for Armenia,” said Ilham Aliyev.

According to him, the Zangezori corridor should function similarly to Lachin. “In tripartite statements, it is openly state that Azerbaijan provides security and access to the Lachin Corridor. Armenia must provide the same unhindered access to us to the Zangezo corridor. To date, there are no customs points in the Lachin corridor. The same thing should be in the Zangezur corridor. Armenia will insist on the installation of customs points to control the movement of goods and citizens through the Zangezo corridor, then we will insist on identical conditions in the Lachin Corridor. It is logical, “Aliyev said.

According to him, there is currently an agreement on the construction of the railway and the road to Nakhchivan. “But the exact route of the road has not yet been determined, this is a question of future negotiations. We will definitely discuss this issue at a tripartite meeting tonight (EU-Azerbaijan-Armenia).

“Zangezur Corridor is a corridor not only for us so that Azerbaijan gets access to Nakhchivan. It also needs Armenia for railway communication with Iran and Russia through the territory of Azerbaijan. So it will really create a positive atmosphere,” added the President of Azerbaijan.