Ambassador of Switzerland was called to Foreign Ministry of Turkey

Switzerland ambassador to Ankara Jean-Daniel Rukh was called on Thursday in the Turkish Foreign Ministry in response to a provocation that took place in Zurich to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The Minister of Foreign Minister of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Ambassador Mehmet Kemal Bozy, met with the head of the diplomatic station.

According to dipstyers in Ankara, to the attention of the Swiss diplomat, the inadmissibility of any forms of provocations against the President of Turkey and authorizing this kind of shares was brought.

Turkey called on the authorities of Switzerland to the speedy investigation and holding accountable to all involved in provocation.

The group, in the name of the “collective of the revolutionary strike of Zurich” organized an anti -Turkish campaign on June 14 by one of the UBS Bank in Zurich, during which the Turkish flag also burned.