Ambassadors of United States and Israel to Baku went to Red Slobod

Ambassadors of the United States and Israel in Azerbaijan – Earl Litzmenberger and George Dick at the invitation of the President of the Stmagi Foundation Herman Zakhayeev visited the village of Red Sloboda in the Gubinsky district.

The website of the Fund writes that they were accompanied by representatives of the USA AID organization, engaged in the restoration of cultural and historical heritage in the countries of the world.

A tour of the Red Sloboda and the Museum of the Mountain Jews for diplomats, a representative of the Stmagi Foundation Igor Shaulov and researcher of the Minsk-Jewish culture of Fuad Akhundov were held. It was decided that one of the historical buildings, located in the village, will be restored and recreated in its original appearance as a Jewish house 19 – early 20 centuries. Representatives of USA AID will be assisted and assistance. The joint project of the Stmagi Foundation, the Museum of the Mountain Jews, the US and Israel’s Embassies in Azerbaijan will be implemented under the Conservation and Restoration of buildings that have historical value.

Ambassadors of the United States and Israel recorded their impressions of the museum seen in the memory book. After that, the guests from the ancient thirteen-winning bridge were admired by the beauty of the Gouda River and the panorama of the Red Sloboda.