American ambassador was summoned to carpet to Turkish Foreign Ministry

US Ambassador to Ankara David Sutterfield was summoned to the Foreign Ministry of Turkey, where he was protest about the statement of US President Joe Bayiden about the so-called “Armenian Genocide”, RIA Novosti told the source in the Turkish Foreign Ministry.

“after the statement of US President Joe Bayden about the events of 1915 US Ambassador David Satterfield was called up to our ministry and adopted by the Deputy Minister Sedat Onalom. The ambassador was expressed our tough reaction, before it was brought that we consider this statement unacceptable, deprived Any historical and legal foundations, so we completely reject and strongly condemn it, “the source said.

According to him, the ambassador was said that Baiden’s statement is invalid from the point of view of international law, deeply harms the Turkish people and damages the relations of Turkey and the United States, which will be difficult to restore.