An unusual way to lose weight

To come into shape and lose weight, it is necessary to get rid of white fat and try to accumulate the brown, told the endocrinologist Zuhra Pavlova, according to RIA Novosti.

Specialist explained that brown fatty tissue contains many mitochondria in which free fatty acids are constantly burned.

“that is, the larger percentage of brown fat, the easier it is to lose weight,” she clarified in his account in Instagram.

White fat, on the contrary, is considered a factory for the production of substances that cause inflammation. Its excess can lead to serious problems, such as metabolic syndrome, warned the doctor.

According to the physician, it is necessary to carry out more air for the accumulation of precisely the brown fat, to play sports and temper.

Previously, scientists found that during physical exertion in the body, an irisine hormone is produced, participating in fat cleavage. It also affects the activity of a protein that converts white fat into the brown: in the samples of adipose tissue with the addition of irisin, the content of white fat cells during experiments was almost half less than in samples without this hormone. In addition, in the blood of young athletes, its concentration was several times higher than in middle-aged women suffering from obesity.