Analyst of Navy Center Dmitry Gorenburg in an interview with about high probability of collision of United States and Russia

Following the United States, Russia decided to leaving the Agreement on the Open Sky, and political scientists immediately stated that intensity in Washington’s relations and Moscow reached the level of Brezhnev times. And not unreasonable, since this agreement was considered one of the most important arms control agreements and the confidence factor between Washington and Moscow.

Commenting on New exacerbation of relations between two powers, a well-known military expert, analyst of the US Navy Research Center Center for Naval Analyse, Problems of Post-Communism and Russian Politics and Law Journal Editor, Researcher of Truman National Security Project Dmitry Gorenburg stated In the current situation, the risk of military conflict between Moscow and Washington is more than even during the days of the US and Soviet confrontation.

“In those years, the United States and the Soviet Union were more related to various agreements and obligations to deter build-in and use of force. Now in Russia they believe that the threat comes from the West, and they are really afraid of invasion if, say,” color Revolutions. “That is, when the United States and NATO with some means to undermine Russian authorities. Moscow does not exclude that such a situation can go to military confrontation with the West, which means you need to have enough military power to prevent an attack. To some extent Such ideology helps Russia and in domestic policy. At the same time, in the Kremlin, they do not expect the United States that the United States will suddenly begin the bombing, and the land forces will invade the Russian territory. The Russian scenario of war is associated with a possible political confrontation, which for some random will lead to military action ” , – believes D.Gorengurg.

US refusal from the Agreement on the Open Sky, in his opinion of the expert, primarily due to the fact that Americans today completely ceased to trust Russia. In order for such armaments to limit armaments, confidence is necessary that each Party will comply with all its conditions. And the administration, as before the administration of Trump Byyden, does not believe that Russia complied with these conditions and does not believe that it will be observed in the future.

“That is, the United States does not see the reason in participation in the agreement on the open sky, – emphasizes the analyst. – The same situation was with an agreement on medium-range missiles: the United States decided that Russia does not comply with the conditions, and Moscow has advanced the same claims Washington . Now, in addition to nuclear weapons, the United States and Russia have no restrictions on armaments, whereas in the 60-70s there were many such treaties.