Analytics – Putin’s visit to China: is eastern alliance become stronger?

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited China on May 16-17. This is the first foreign visit of the Russian leader after the elections in the country. This visit is considered an important milestone on the path to strengthening strategic partnership and deepening cooperation between the two countries. This is stated in the analytical article of an independent researcher, Doctor of Sciences Hussein Korkmaz, written for AA Anaaliz.

According to the analyst, Putin’s two -day visit to the PRC demonstrates the ongoing deepening relations between the two countries in the political, economic and military spheres, as well as on strengthening the general position as opposed to the sanctions of the West. “Unlimited friendship”, proclaimed the leaders of the two countries in Beijing in 2022, continues to strengthen, Korkmaz said.

Chinese -Russian relations – a factor in global stability

During his visit, Putin emphasized that relations between China and Russia are one of the main elements of stability in the international arena. In an interview for Chinese state media, Putin thanked China for his role in resolving the Ukrainian crisis. In particular, China published a plan to resolve the conflict in Ukraine from 12 points and demanded that the Fold War logic abandon. However, the West with caution approaches the relationship of China with Russia. According to Western countries, China practically provides Russia with economic support and military products. Meanwhile, the fact that bilateral trade between China and Russia reached a record level of $ 240 billion in 2023, contrary to sanctions, already speaks of the level of relations between countries. At the same time, 90 percent of the calculations between the PRC and the Russian Federation are carried out in national currencies. In a difficult period, Russia positions China as its strategic partner. Although China’s growing interest in Central Asia is considered a problem for Russia, Putin is of the opinion that the deepening of the connection between the Chinese initiative “One Belt – One Way” and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) will serve the interests of the two countries. In addition, both countries are configured to make changes to the prevailing world order within the framework of their own ideas.

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