Announced main cake of oil wrestling tournament in Turkish Kumluja

The winner of the oil struggle tournament organized in the Kumluja area in Turkish Antalya was Ismail Balaban.

The tournament took place at the Kumluja stadium involving about 1.1 thousand wrestlers, including 66 eminent pahlivans.

The tournament program includes fights in 13 categories.

Speaking at the opening of the event, the head of the Kumludzhi administration Mustaf Koiloglu noted that this year the competition will be held only one day instead of traditional three.

He noted that the district administration attaches more importance and provides support for the oil wrestling competition as a traditional sport in Turkey.

In the final, Ismail Balaban defeated Hussein Gyumusalan, who was injured by the leg in the first minutes of the fight.

Gyumyushlan was able to continue to participate in battle after the doctors provided him first aid.

Balaban threw the opponent with an unexpected maneuver and first received the title of the winner of the oil wrestling tournament.

The oil struggle is considered the most ancient sports competition after the Olympic Games, which is held on an ongoing basis.

According to legend, 40 soldiers-Turks entering the vanguard of the army made a halt in the Edirne area. To pass the time, they started to fight.

At the same time, two brothers Ali and Selim fought for a long time, but could not overcome each other. As a result, both of them fell from fatigue.

Comrades buried fighters in the area of ​​the village of Akhykey. Returning from the campaign, they saw a stream brothers in the place of the graves of the brothers. After that, the area was called Kyrkpynar (40 streams).