Another round of political consultations took place between Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan and Japan

In Japan, another round of political consultations was held between the foreign policy departments of Azerbaijan and Japan.

The press service of the Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry noted that political consultations were held as part of the visit of the Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elnur Mamedov.

During political consultations, the current situation and prospects for cooperation in trade, economic, tourist, energy, interregional cooperation, humanitarian and other areas were discussed.

The cooperation of the two countries in important oil and gas projects has been positively evaluated, taking into account the goals of both countries on the use of green energy, the prospects for interaction in this area are considered.

Japanese companies were invited to participate in the implementation of the concepts of the Smart City, Smart Village, including the “Zelean Energy Zones”.

In addition, transport corridors passing through the territory of our country, in particular, the International Transport Corridor East-West, were discussed.