Antoniu Gutherrish condemned blow of Armed Forces of Ukraine on Donetsk

The UN Secretary General Antoniu Guterres decisively condemned the blow of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Donetsk, who claimed the lives of 27 people.

“The General Secretary decisively condemns all attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, including today’s shelling of Donetsk,” the UN head, widespread by the head of the UN.

“attacks against civilians and civil infrastructure are prohibited by international humanitarian law, they are unacceptable and should be immediately terminated,” the general secretary emphasized.

– Shelling Donetsk

– the number of those who died when hit by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Armed Forces) on the Donetsk microdistrict textbook was 27 people.

This was announced in the Telegram channel the so-called “DPR Chapter” Denis Pushilin.