Armed Forces of Russian Federation reported on killed facilities of military infrastructure of Ukraine

In total, during the special operation, 2,396 facilities of the military infrastructure of Ukraine were destroyed, the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, General Major, Igor Konashenkov, told reporters.

“Total during the operation, 2,396 facilities of the military infrastructure of Ukraine were destroyed. Among them are 82 departments of the management and node of the communication of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, 119 anti-aircraft missile sets of air defenvations C-300,” Buk-M1 “and” OSA “, as well as 76 radar stations, “Konashenkov TASS quotes.

According to him, yesterday in the evening of fighter aviation, VKS Russia and military airflows were shot down by three more SU-27 air force in Poltava, one Su-25 in the district of Gostomel, two Mi-24 helicopters in the Makarov region and eight Unmanned aerial vehicles, including Bayraktar TB-2.

The official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation also reported that three anti-aircraft missile systems “Buk-M1” were affected by the bombard and assault aircraft of the Russian Federation and the two Radar stations of the VSU.