Army of Ukraine is preparing to force Dnieper

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing to cross to the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kakhovsky reservoir, said the head of the occupation authorities of the Zaporizhzhya region Vladimir Rogov.

“Recently, the Dnieper has grown sharply – and was shallow for a reason. It indirectly confirms that Ukrainian troops are preparing to force the Dnieper in the Kakhovsky reservoir. Energodar and Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plants may become one of the directions for landing,” the collaborator warned. whose words are given by Russian media.

This statement was preceded by the call of the president of the Ukrainian company “Energoatom” Peter Kotin by force to return to Ukraine the largest nuclear power plant in Europe – the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, which Russian troops captured at the very beginning of the war. According to Kotin, the creation of a security zone around the ZAES with the efforts of the IAEA and the Ukrainian authorities does not look realistic. “We hope for the Ukrainian Armed Forces most of all,” he added.