Arrestovich: I know more about war in Karabakh than about war in Ukraine

In March, the Russians were ready to return to the borders of February 23. Such a statement on the air Feiginlive was made by the adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Alexei Armalovich.

“I remind you that when they tried to joyfully agree with us in Istanbul in March, they were ready to withdraw troops on February 23. They said this at least. We did not ask for these negotiations, but they asked. In March. You understand the difference. ? ” – quotes “” arrester.

At the same time, the adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine noted that he does not have real information and this is indirect data.

“I judge by indirect data. I have no admission to state secrets. I am a freelance adviser. Therefore, I know less about my own army and war in the country than about the war in Karabakh. I know more there. I have to get it ( information) indirect method. It is another matter that they carefully hide it from me, because suddenly I’ll blurt out the wrong principle. There is such a “intelligence on myself”, when you protrude yourself and starts to fly as much as possible, you can establish a lot – based on the basis the fact that it flies, where it flies, that people say, what they complain about and so on. And now, it so happened that I am not from the members of the delegation, of course, no one in the office, but I found out that they seemed to be ready Dive for the 23rd number, ”said Arrestovich.