As part of project, Ministry of Health holds an event

The World Health Organization is working closely with the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan in the field of public health. The support provided in the framework of this cooperation is aimed at early identification of emergency situations in the field of public health, effective prevention and timely response.

The increase in the scale of the international migration of the population at a global level is a significant risk for regional and local outbreaks, the spread of diseases, as well as the safety of public health. This once again emphasizes the need for timely detection of the risks of diseases at the local, national and global levels, protect and strengthen human health from the negative impact of environmental factors, ensuring epidemiological safety.

In this regard, in the framework of the WHO project, “The Global System of Early Warning and Respectful Measures” (Early Warning, Alert and Response System (Ewars) is the initiative of WHO, the purpose of which is to quickly detect outputs of diseases in order to contain them in emergency situations ) an event is being held on the topic “Collection of epidemiological data from open sources”, the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan said.

Experts of the European Regional Bureau of WHO, representatives of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan, the State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance, Association for Management of Medical Territorial Units (Təbi̇b), AQTA (AQTA), State Customs Committee and the Ministry of Personaire take part in a three -day event. Emergency situations.

The purpose of the meeting is the operational provision of reliable information to the Ministry of Health, which is the coordinator of the country in the field of public health, the training of specialists to organize retaliatory measures to respond to emergency situations. In addition, the meeting will provide information on the methods of creating a global network of multidisciplinary experts and strengthening activities in the field of public health care at the national level to create and improve the multidisciplinary approach “Unified Health”.