Austria will provide Moldova with 2 million euros to reduce poverty levels

The Republic of Moldova will receive 2 million euros from the Austrian government to implement a new program for reducing poverty levels.

This was announced by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Moldova Alexei Buza following a meeting with the Austrian colleague Johannes Raukh in Vienna, Moldipres reports.

“I thank Johannes Rauha for the unconditional and constant support provided by our country for excellent cooperation in social terms,” ​​said Alexei Buza.

According to the head of the department, two countries intend to continue cooperation by implementing new projects of assistance, the exchange of experience and strengthening the potential of public organizations and institutions of the social system.

Grant will contribute to the development of measures to reduce and prevent poverty or mitigate the negative socio-economic consequences of numerous crises for persons suffering from poverty and vulnerable groups.

The program provides for the availability, quality and availability of care and health care services.

“It includes measures for social integration, on the promotion of an independent life without discrimination for people with disabilities, preventing and combating gender violence,” the minister said.

Buzu noted that the program also provides for measures to combat children’s poverty and strengthen the health and well -being of children. “In addition, measures are provided for the social protection of vulnerable and poor layers of the population and the expansion of social protection systems,” added the head of the Moldavian department.