Azerbaijan and Armenia determined line of border 12.7 km long in Gazaha

As a result of delimitation between Azerbaijan and Armenia, a line of 12.7 kilometers long is determined.

This is stated in the report of the Service of the Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Shakhina Mustafaeva.

“This is thereby ensuring the return of the territory of the territory of 4 villages of the Gazakh district of the Azerbaijan Republic – Bagans Ayrym, Asagi Askipara, Heyrymly and Gyzylgadzhila (6.5 square kilometers),” the report said.

It notes that today the territories of the villages of Bagans Ayrym, Asagi Askipara, Heyrymly and Gyzylgadzhila of the Gazakh district of the Azerbaijan Republic are taken under control of the State Border Service of the Azerbaijan Republic.