Azerbaijan and Iran create a corridor Persian Bay – Black Sea

Iran consult with Azerbaijan to conclude an agreement on the Corridor Agreement Persian Bay – the Black Sea, said Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mehdi Safari.

Safari reported that negotiations on the conclusion of the Agreement on the Corridor Agreement Persian Bay – the Black Sea between Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria and Greece continue. Another round is planned to be held in Sofia in April-May, when the text of the agreement is ready for signing.

“There is informal training with ambassadors of the Agreement of the Agreement in Tehran and other relevant capitals, so that God will give, soon we will see the emergence of an important transport corridor with various routes to facilitate trade between the countries of the region and the outside world,” the words leads Safari

He stressed that “recently, in collaboration with Azerbaijan and Georgia, a pilot program for the transfer of goods from Iran to the Black Sea was implemented.”

The new transport corridor, which will connect the Persian Bay with the Black Sea through Iran, Azerbaijan and Georgia, was launched in test mode in December 2021. As part of the transit route from Iran for four months, pilot cargoes are sent to deliver Iranian goods to Azerbaijan across the border of Astara, as well as to the countries of Eastern Europe through the ports of Georgia on the Black Sea.