Azerbaijan: another member of Indian mafia was discovered

Another gangster was arrested as part of an ongoing investigation of the murder of the well -known singer in India and politician Musa Vala, who was killed by the mafia in May of this year.

According to Indian media, the arrested gangster is a relative of the Indian mafiosi living in Azerbaijan. According to the available information, the gangster who participated in the murder of Musa Vala and escaped from the Penjab state prison in early October was detained by Delhi’s special forces. His name is Dipak Tina, and during his detention he found five grenades and two submachine guns. The police noted that the man is a member of the gang of Lawrence Bishop – the very group that organized the murder of Musa Vala. It also became known that Dipak escaping from prison was preparing to leave India on a fake passport.

At a press conference, the police commissar said that several special forces groups began operations immediately after receiving information about the planned bandit to escape abroad.

“The police detained and arrested several people during an 18 -day investigation and found that Dipak managed to enlist international support to avoid arrest,” he said.

The Commissioner did not specify what this “international support” was, but said that during the preliminary interrogation, a close relationship was established between Dipak and the gangster named Rochit Godard living in Azerbaijan. “In addition to Godara, Dipak is also associated with a certain Jack, who is located in Europe and is listed in the accomplices of the Bishop gang,” he added.

Recall, Sachin Chapan Bishnia, one of the organizers of the murder of Musa Vala, fled to Azerbaijan on a fake passport in April, before supplying the killers of weapons and providing them with a plan for the murder. Recently, Bishina was arrested in Azerbaijan, and the procedure for his extradition to India is currently being prepared.

Indian media reports that another member of the gang involved in the murder of the singer, namely Anmol Bishnaya, brother Sachin, also fled on a fake passport from India to Nepal, then to Canada, after which he moved to Kenya. According to a special investigative group investigating the murder of Musa Vala, after the arrest in Azerbaijan Sachin, his brother managed to establish the exact whereabouts of his brother. Also, the investigation group found out that Sachin Bishina received fake passports for himself, his brother and two other criminals involved in the murder in the regional passport table Delhi.

Sachin Bishina was born in 1997. He is a relative of the leader of the Penjab mafia Lawrence Bishop. It is noted that Sachin is part of the Gau Raksha group, which operates in the state of Penjab. There is information that it was he who organized the murder of the singer on the instructions of the Indian gangster Goldi Brara and who is currently under the arrest of Lawrence Bishop. Nevertheless, it is still not clear who “ordered” the murder of a popular politician and rapper.