Azerbaijan sent 18 tons of gums to those who suffered from earthquake in Turkey

Azerbaijan sent 175 air conditioners, 1,500 heaters, 1000 electric stoves and 6200 blankets and blankets to those who suffered from the earthquake in Kazhramanmarash.

Azerbaijan continues to mobilize assistance, begun after an earthquake in Turkey on February 6th.

Trucks with 18 tons of humanitarian goods prepared by the support fund of the Azerbaijani Committee of Diaspora.

set off from the capital of Baku.

Turkish Ambassador to Baku Jahit Bagja, speaking before sending humanitarian goods, emphasized that after earthquakes on February 6, two countries became a single heart.

Having thanked the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyev, Bagja said: “More than 2 thousand tons of humanitarian aid, more than 500 trucks, a train with 25 wagons delivered help in a Malaya. Almost 2 thousand tents were sent to Turkey to Turkey and about 200 containers. Subsequently, businessmen and non -governmental organizations have repeatedly assisted the victims of the earthquake. “

noting that the assistance of Turkey has been sent three times through the support fund of the Azerbaijani Diaspora Committee, he continued: “This attitude of Azerbaijan is very significant and valuable. Our brotherhood will be strengthened. Today, 18 tons of assistance are sent. This is 175 air conditioners, 1500 heaters, 1000 electric stoves, 6,200 blankets and bedspreads. This party will be taken to the AFAD provincial department in Kazakhmanmarash. “

Reminding that the “Azerbaijan quarter” of the mass housing Mi̇da is created by the forces of Azerbaijani companies in the area next to Azerbaijan Avenue in Kakhramanmarash, the ambassador said:

“last month in Ankara, a grant agreement was signed in the amount of $ 100 million. This document was approved by the Great National Assembly of Turkey and entered into force. Recently, the Minister of Ecology and Urbanization Mehmet Ozhaseki transmitted relevant information to the Prime Minister Azerbaijan and the speaker of the National Assembly The project has already been approved. The place for construction is determined. A very beautiful project will be quickly implemented. As part of the Azerbaijan Quarter project, designed for 1000 houses, the cultural center of Heydar Aliyev, parks, schools and many social facilities will be created. “

Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijan Diaspora Committee Valekh Gadzhiev said that after destructive earthquakes in Turkey, all Azerbaijan was mobilized to provide assistance: “Earlier we have already sent assistance to Kazakhmanmarash and Hatay. This time we set ourselves the goal before the cold winter winter winter months to help our brothers and sisters living in tents we send air conditioners, heaters, winter blankets and rugs. “

“As President Ilham Aliyev said, our help and support will continue. This is an indicator of our fraternity and friendship. Azerbaijan will always be next to Turkey.”