Azerbaijani can become leader of Iraqi Shiites

The new leader of Iraqi Shiites can be 72-year-old Muhammed Bekir Al-Iravani, who is Azerbaijanis by nationality, reports the Turkish newspaper Yeni Akit.

It is noted that the death of the religious leader Mohammed Said Al-Khakim (1934-2021) in Najaf, one of the Shiite religious centers in Iraq, as well as the fact that the current leader Shiites is at the age of 91 years old has caused discussions on who will be headed Religious current.

At the moment, one of the probable applicants for this post is Azerbaijan Mohammed Bekir Al-Iravani. The family of 72-year-old al-Jerevi is considered very famous and influential in the Iraqi Najaf, they moved here after in 1820 the city of Irevian, who is currently the capital of Armenia, passed into the hands of Russians. Mohammed Bekir al-Ireheny owns Azerbaijani and Turkish languages, and periodically reads sermons in these languages.