Azerbaijani Defense Minister: “For war, we prepared one of strongest NATO armies”

“from a civil point of view, war is a kind of exam for the armed forces. We passed this test, but the Turkish Armed Forces were prepared for it.” The Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan Zakir Hasanov said in an interview with TV Journalist Mirshikhina Agayev, Azerbaijani.

“Speaking about military cooperation last year, Mr. President said that only in 2019 there were 13 large-scale joint military exercises. These teachings were conducted because the officers of the Turkish Armed Forces helped our officers to raise their combat readiness at a higher level. “, – noted Hasanov.

The Minister noted that there are representatives of thousands of professions in the army.

“Their preparation is very important. Combat training, moral and psychological training, exchange of experience. You know that the Turkish Armed Forces are among the most powerful armed forces in the world, and this is our chance. We have the same language, religion, roots And we remove benefits from this. This is one of the strongest NATO armies. They conducted successful operations in Syria and other states. And, of course, the support of the Turkish armed forces in the preparation for war is invaluable, “said Hasanov.