Azerbaijani deputy went to Zhirinovsky

“Talking about Vladimir Zhirinovsky, somehow it is not turning the language to call him a deputy of the State Duma, the leader of one of the three largest factions.

Since neither behavior nor the presentation of this mental political clown is always openly opened with a hostile position in relation to the Turkic, Caucasian peoples, the peoples of Central Asia, promoting racism and chauvinism as their ideological foundation, never brought the benefit to the Russian people nor The country he represents. Imagine that the deputy presented in the highest legislative body of a country declared an undesirable face on some federal territory of the same country. What could be shameful of this? Since 2011, Zhirinovsky declared a “person of non-Grata” on the territory of the Republic of Komi, which is the subject of the Russian Federation. I’m not talking about Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan … “.

This in the statement for the media said Milli Majlis Azerbaijani Kemadin Gafarov.

The deputy said that Zhirinovsky’s territorial claims to Azerbaijan and the South Caucasus as a whole were nothing more than a product of his patient imagination and perverted psychology: “The other day, and I heard the next nonsense, which Zhirinovsky carried. Naturally, his full The absurd speeches never and did not interest anyone, except for representatives of the media wishing to create another scandalous show. And no one was offended by him for these speeches. As they say in the famous Russian saying: “They are not offended on the patients.” But, just in case, should be brought Clarity into some issues to at least after the next crisis passes in his psychological condition, maybe he himself thinks over these moments, if some clarity appears in his mind.

First of all, I want to say a few words about the submission of the South Caucasus as a territory that relates to the sphere of the influence of Russia. Zhirinovsky declares that this 200 years have existed under their banners. Apparently, imperial moods are still raging in his head. But if you approach the question in this context, then let’s go deep into history and remember the 200-year-old Mongol-Tatar dominion in Russia. What happens that now, according to the logic of this patient, Russia should also relate to the sphere of the influence of Mongolia?

The second point is associated with the fact that Zhirinovsky threatens to everyone who dares to look directly to the Russian soldier. First of all, this person should know that this is the Caucasus, and here it is always customary to look straight into the eyes and friend, and the enemy. Anyone who is friends with us will see only the benefit from us.