Azerbaijani football club signed a new contract with a successful Russian coach

Offer 2nd place in the Azerbaijan Football Premier League, the Sabah club extended the contract with head coach Murad Musaev.

The agreement with the Russian specialist was signed until the end of May 2024. It is worth saying that Musaev, who previously successfully headed the Russian Krasnodar, was a good choice for Sabah. He came to the Baku team in October last year, was able to raise it from the bottom of the standings and almost brought it to the European Cups.

This season, Sabah, after 11 rounds, confidently takes 2nd place, yielding only to Karabakh. At the same time, in a full -time confrontation, the wards of Murad Musaev gave a real fight to the champion, losing only with a score of 3: 4. Along with this, the Sabah has already beaten the main competitor in the struggle for 2nd place – “Neftechi”.

In only 33 matches under the leadership of 38-year-old Musaev, Sabah won 20 victories

“I am glad to be part of our club,” says Murad Musaev. “Step by step, we should become even stronger. There are still a lot of work ahead. We work with the soul, try to continue to please our fans.”

President of Sabaha Magsud Adygheyalov said that he was very glad to have a new agreement with the Russian coach.

“Under the leadership of Murad Musaev, our team is developing more and more every day, – he says.” It also proves the football that we demonstrate. Murad instills the football philosophy that we wanted. I believe that the new agreement will be successful for both sides, and together we will achieve the goals. “