Azerbaijani police continued to fight weddings

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan revealed new violations of the rules of weddings established by the quarantine regime. As expected since ancient times, Azerbaijanis, like other Caucasian peoples, are prone to carrying out lush and pompous wedding celebrations. And the modest marriage ceremony is a grave blow to the reputation of the patriarchal family. For this misconduct and sinters can reproach in weakness. Here is such a psychological complex with an oriental tint.

It is the wedding, as well as the lush funeral ceremonies are the main sources of proliferation of coronavirus. What is called to fight order guards.

On the eve, according to the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the police found the conduct of lush weddings in many villages of the Samuhsky district. In particular, in the villages of Sercar, Alaushagy, Burungovag and Salahly, the parents of the newlyweds swallowed the incomplete luxury. And they invited much more people than prescribed by the new law. And according to the laws of Koronaephoi at the wedding, no more than 50 invited were participating. The organizers were separated by a light fright and administrative recovery.