Azercell sends basic radio stations to Turkey and humanitarian aid

The leading mobile operator helps to ensure continuous communication in the earthquake area

Azercell continues to assist the victims of the earthquake in Turkey. The company sent three trucks with generators and other vital objects to the natural disaster zone.

In addition to the humanitarian cargo, Azercell sends several mobile basic radio stations and technical equipment to Turkey, accompanied by a group of their engineers to maintain uninterrupted mobile communications in the earthquake area and assisting local specialists in conducting urgent integrated telecommunication recovery. The company is working closely with the relevant organizations, trying to ensure quick and effective delivery of assistance to the distress zone.

Providing humanitarian aid and technical support is part of the program adopted by Azercell to assist the fraternal country in eliminating the consequences of this destructive natural disaster.

The Azercell volunteers team organized an action to collect basic necessities and funds among the company’s employees to help victims of the earthquake in Turkey. In addition, in cooperation with the Nargis Foundation and the Azerbaijani Crescent Society, the company launched short numbers to which Azercell subscribers can send their donations through SMS.