“Azovstal” tried to release: details of operation and why it did not work out

Ukraine not only planned, but also tried to hold the Azovstal plant in Mariupol, where the defenders have been holding the defense for several weeks, but a group of fighters who moved towards the city encountered the violent resistance of the Russians and was forced to retreat. This is stated in the article “Ukrainian Truth” (UP).

According to the interlocutors of the UP, the release of Mariupol was possible in the first stages, but every day it became less and less real.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and the top of the army command also shared cautious optimism about the possibility of liberation of the defenders of Azovstal.

Therefore, one attempt at the release was not only planned, but also implemented. It took place after several weeks of the bloody blockade of Mariupol. Under the general command of Gur from the Gulyaypol region towards Mariupol, a group went to break into the city.

This unit included part of the Gurovites, part of the military from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, part of the Azov fighters, including the leader of the National Corps Andrei Beletsky.

According to the interlocutor of the UP, it was first planned that they would be given tanks and armored vehicles more than 80 units, however, when it came to business, they collected only a few tanks, BMP and armored personnel carriers (up to 20 pieces).


Despite this, the group nevertheless advanced towards Mariupol. She passed about 10-15 km, stumbled upon a fierce defense and was forced to retreat.

The interlocutors of UP emphasize that for the success of the release of the Ukrainian forces, the simultaneous counter breakthrough of the Mariupol garrison was supposed to take place. But this became unrealistic after the actions of the 36th Marine Brigade.

First, on April 4, one battalion of the 36th brigade suddenly surrendered, and then unexpectedly the commander of the 36th brigade Vladimir Baranyuk, without warning anyone, decided to go to a breakthrough in an unknown direction and thereby lost many people. Also, according to the commander of Azov Denis Prokopenko (Radis), many people were abandoned to their fate, and they simply were captured.

Another interlocutor of UP, close to Azov, said that the marines surrendered with tanks, with MLRS and ammunition, which was very weakened by defense forces.

After that, it became clear that the release of small forces with a neocked territory, even in one direction, was impossible.