Baku scandal: Indian directors harassed Pakistani actress at hotel

Pakistani actress Mehrin Shah reports that she was subjected to sexual harassment from the Indian director Sayed Ehsan Ali Zaidi and producer Raja Gupta in one of the Baku hotels. The girl published the corresponding video on her Instagram page, although she later deleted.

Mehrin Shah says that a few days ago she arrived in Baku to shoot with Ali Zahidi and Gupta. However, after the guests settled in the hotel, the behavior of men changed dramatically. The young actress with tears in her eyes talked about what happened to her, noting that the director and producer subjected her to sexual harassment. She also said that Ali Zahidi and Gupta were invited to the hotel of prostitutes.

The woman explained that she decided to betray the publicity that happened in order to warn other actresses.

“I went to Baku with Ehsan Ali Zahidi and Raja Gupta to shoot. But, having got to the hotel, they completely changed their behavior. They began to treat me badly only because I refused their requirements. It is terribly for me. . I don’t even know if they went here to make a film or they had other motives, ”says the Pakistani actress.

Mehrin Shah said that she was not even fed at the hotel. In addition, Ali Zahidi and Gupta refuse to buy a return ticket for her. However, the actress no longer wants to see them and intends to return to his homeland alone.