Baku Transportists reported on accepted safety measures

From December 13 to December 19, the Baku continued the events related to the organization of the road, as well as accessibility. During the week, 3 new intersections were organized with a yellow grid markup.

As a result, the comfort and safety of road participants were provided. About 100 road signs are installed on 11 streets and prospects. At the same time in these areas, the risk of road accidents is reduced.

Taking into account the appeals of citizens on the 3 streets, a pedestrian crossing was organized. On 10 streets updated single-level pedestrian crossings.

Thanks to this work, road conditions have been improved, the level of safety of pedestrians is increased, the risk of road traffic accidents with pedestrians is reduced. On 6 streets eliminated cases of illegal parking along the sidewalk with the installation of security Tumb.