Basic Indications for Vaccination from COVID-19

Russian doctor and TV presenter Alexander Butchestnikov called the main testimony for vaccination from COVID-19, writes “”

According to him, the vaccination is obligatory to those who suffer from chronic diseases, as well as people from 65 years. Butchers stated that they first need such protection. “Elderly people with chronic diseases die from Covid at 99.99 percent. Does it be afraid of pain in the place of injection and a minor temperature increase?! – said the doctor. – They can simply not survive!”

In addition, the doctor said that the vaccine does not cause exacerbation of chronic diseases. “The rarest serious complications that happen relate to allergic reactions or unexpected manifestations,” he explained.

In conclusion, butchers recalled that no vaccine is 100 percent effective. The elderly, the doctor noticed, the organism’s response may be weaker. It also recommended comply with additional protection against coronavirus. In particular, the observance of the distance.