Because of collapse of Bitcoin, cryptomalliarders lost almost $ 16 billion

Twelve cryptocurrency billionaires lost $ 15.5 billion for nine trading days due to the fall in the cost of Bitcoin, counted the Forbes magazine.

Yesterday, the most popular and expensive cryptocurrency in the world fell at home immediately by 30% in terms of day, its cost more than doubled from April historical maximum (64,854 dollars) to $ 30 thousand. In the evening she returned to a mark of almost $ 40 thousand, reports Prime.

According to Forbes, due to the fall of Bitcoin, the state of twelve cryptocurrency billionaires on the basis of the medium amounted to $ 46.8 billion against $ 62.3 billion nine days earlier.

“” writes that the leaving from Russia Vitalik Biderin has ceased to be the youngest cryptometricder of the world. After the collapse of the global market, cryptocurrency, its condition decreased by 40% and now displaces a billion dollars.