Because of these countries, third world

The British edition of Daily Express amounted to a list of countries from which the Third World War may begin.

It is noted that despite the fact that today the world fears the global conflict, the risks of the possible confrontation of the United States and Iran because of the nuclear program are very high.

In the event of an escalation of the situation, Tehran can overlap the Ormuz Strait, through which 30% of oil is exported worldwide. Such development of events will lead to the deterioration of Washington relations with the allies. The overlap of the Strait can also provoke a new war in Syria and Yemen. In a full-scale conflict, due to black gold, it is capable of painting and the old standing of Iran with Israel, writes the publication.

The authors of the article note that in recent years, relations between the two NATO allies are also aggravated: the United States and Turkey. The causes of a serious conflict can be disagreement due to Kurds.

It is also assumed that the third world can begin due to the disputes of India and Pakistan for Kashmir. This dispute has already led to numerous terrorist attacks and unrest inside both countries. It is noted that India may not be to choose, except to provoke the escalation of the conflict, and given the interaction with the United States, the opposition is most likely to grow into a global war.