Belarus is again unhappy with Belarus: now accused of fake potato seeds

Belarus is engaged in fake potato seeds, “Armenian News” Chairman of the NGO “Agrarian-Peasant Union of Armenia” Ruch Berberian.

“This country declares the elite seeds of potatoes, although it is engaged in the usual counterpart of seeds from Europe, changing the label and offering, including Armenian farmers, seeds of 180 drams per 1 kg. They are not eligible to sell these seeds under their name, Since this property is mostly Netherlands. And it is only potatoes. It can be imagined that Belarus does in other areas, “- Uzgotet Berberian.

Chairman of the NGO calls Belarus the country “Zhulikov led by a person who failed to cope with the kitchen and defeat it.”

Berberian calls on Armenian farmers “to refrain from buying such seeds. They will not provide a normal harvest, and they also infect the land … We have no problems with the replacement, European companies are ready to provide Armenian farmers seeds. The price will be higher, but also quality will be an order of magnitude higher. “

without calming down, Berberian also calls on Russian farmers to show the sequence in this matter and prevent infection of their lands. “