Biden loses its position due to sympathies of Republicans to Putin

President of the United States Joe Bayden loses its position due to the growth of the sympathies of the Republican Party of the United States to Russia to its President Vladimir Putin, reports the Edition Slate.

According to media reports, a change in the Republicans to Moscow and Putin occurred during the US President Donald Trump. So, before it comes to power, the Republican more often than the democratic, denoted Russia as a serious threat and accompanied the departure of Russian power.

At the same time, at present, only 4% of Republicans consider Russia “the greatest geopolitical threat to the United States”, whereas among the Democrats with this statement, 44% agree with this statement. Also, only 29% of Republicans – against 51% of the Democrats – call Russia “the enemy of the United States”.

During the presidency of Trump, the sympathy of the Republican Party to the Russian President Vladimir Putin has grown. Thus, 20% of Republicans believe that the head of Russia “will go correctly” in solving world issues – among the democrats there are only 12% of the democrats.