Biden’s visit to Israel on verge of a breakdown: what they fear in White House

The political crisis in Israel, as well as a tense situation in the field of security, can lead to the abolition of the US President Joe Biden’s visit of the 2022 summer for the summer of 2022. On May 19, a senior source in Jerusalem explained that the White House still did not agree on the date of the visit, fearing that the government would fall and the arrival of the American leader could be inappropriate. It is reported by

“I’m not sure that Biden will benefit from a trip to Israel, if military and political instability will continue here. If the government is falling, it is unlikely to want to come at all. In the White House they do not want the visit to look like a visit as support for a particular policy, ”the source added.

Earlier, the White House said that a visit is possible at the end of June – from about 21 to 24. Now in Jerusalem they are waiting for Biden’s final decision.

Meanwhile, the Israeli government was again on the verge of collapse after the decision of the deputy Ryda Rinai-Zoabi (Merets) to leave the coalition. According to a number of political commentators, even if this step of the deputy does not lead to the instant collapse of the government, he triggers the election mechanism.

Note that Joe Biden did not come to Israel since his election to the presidency of the United States. But he was in Jerusalem during the cadence as vice president of the United States.