Bishkek: refuted message about preparation of Turkey of State Ponds in Kyrgyzstan

Media report on the preparation of Turkey of the Public Coup in Kyrgyzstan is fake and does not correspond to reality, transmits Interfax with reference to the GKNB.

“The State Committee of the National Security (GKNB) of Kyrgyzstan regarding the publication under the title” Turkey was caught in the preparation of the state coup in Kyrgyzstan “, posted on November 26 on the page of the website” Lenta.Ru “, reports that this information is fake and not corresponds to reality, “the message says.

The report states that Kyrgyzstan officially declares that none of the foreign countries can interfere with the country’s domestic political affairs and GKNB will not allow any interference, as well as attempts by external forces to influence the processes occurring in society and the state.

On November 25, the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov warned that some politicians are planning an armed coup.

Earlier in Kyrgyzstan, an attempt was stopped by a violent capture of power.