Bono suddenly arrived in Kyiv and sang in subway

The leader of the world famous Irish rock band U2 Bono performed on May 8 in the Kyiv Metro. He and another participant in the EJ group performed the famous compositions of the music team with or you, Angel of Harlem and others.

Later, they were joined by the Ukrainian group “Antiteel”, together with its frontman Taras Topolev, the participants of U2 sang Stand by ME Ben King, replacing the words in it with Stand by Ukraine, reports TSN.

Bono (real name Paul David Husson) is a 61-year-old Irish performer, musician and philanthropist. In addition to musical activity, is known for its humanitarian activities. He was dedicated to the knight Queen Elizabeth Second in 2007. After the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine, U2 published several posts in support of Ukraine on its Instagram.