Bosniyts will buried remains of his father after 28 years – victims of genocide in Srebrenitsa

Residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the incident decades after the end of the war 1992-1995 continue to bury the remains of relatives and friends found in mass burials.

One of these is the resident of Sarajevo Anvar Lemes, whose father Zuhdia Lemes, among thousands of others, was killed in 1995 by Serbian armed units.

Bosniyts told Anadol that to this day only managed to find 4 bones of the late father, and in three different mass burials. Anvar Lemes intends to bury the remains of his father on July 11 in the Potocari memorial complex.

In the days of the 1995 genocide, being a schoolboy Lemes lost many relatives in the forests who tried to escape and get to a safe zone. “The war was the most difficult period in our lives. We lived at the expense of humanitarian assistance. Sometimes we were given only flour and salt. There was nothing more,” he said.


According to him, some Serbs frauded into the ranks of peaceful Bosnians who tried to move into a safe zone through the forest. “One of these Serbs killed my father and brother. I saw shots where my father was captured. He was probably killed in captivity,” he said.

Lemes noted that his brother managed to identify in 2008. “The remains of the father were found in 3 mass burials. This year we decided to buried the bones, although we managed to find only four. We want to betray their land so that the father has a grave, there was a memory of him,” the man said, unable to restrain themselves Tears.

“Father worked a lot. We did not have time to spend a lot of time with him. He only wanted us to have a bright future,” he said.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, on July 11, commemorative events are held annually in memory of the victims of the genocide in Srebrenitsa. Every year, the remains of the victims of the genocide, which are found in mass burials to this day, are buried in the cemetery in Potocari.

This year, the remains of another 30 victims of genocide will be devoted to the Earth.

At the moment, the remains of 6,721 victims of the Geneocide in Srebrenitsa are buried in the cemetery in Potocari.