Brazilian President before making heavy decisions closes in bathroom and crying

Brazil President Zhair Blantar, speaking in front of his supporters in one of the churches in the metropolitan city of Brazilia, said that at times hiding in the bathroom and crying when he had to take difficult state solutions, reports Daily Mail.

At the same time, he pointed out that his spouse did not see him in such a state, believing that “he Macho.”

The publication notes that the Bounce Statement made at the time when the level of approval of his actions as president dropped to 22% (the lowest indicator since the beginning of the presidency). The reason is the situation with COVID-19 in Brazil, a sharp increase in inflation and unemployment.

In addition, in relation to the Brazilian president, a Senate investigation is held, in the case of the approval of which it may be incriminated to 11 criminal charges. This is due to the fact that Bononer opposes coronavirus measures, and the head of state itself was repeatedly not allowed into public places, since it is not vaccinated.