British intelligence: millionaires are running from Russia

Against the background of the war in Russia, an authoritarian regime is firmly established, to which, however, the country has been moving for a long time. In recent weeks, the Duma is considering the bill on the introduction of a 20-year prison term for Russians fighting against the Russian Federation. This is stated in the summary of British intelligence.

The speeches against the invasion are also undergoing criminal prosecution. Despite the fact that most Russians declare their support for the “special operation” in hundred -prose, part of the population both actively and passively demonstrates their disagreement.

Legion “Freedom of Russia”, typed from Russians, almost certainly participates in hostilities on the side of the Ukrainian military. Some senior Russian officials, apparently, lost their influence after criticism of the war.

The negative attitude to the war is also especially strong among the Russian business elite and the oligarchic community. Judging by the data of migration services, about 15 thousand Russian dollar millionaires are probably already trying to leave the country.

This is partly due to the personal rejection of Russian invasion, as well as the desire to avoid the financial consequences of anti -Russian sanctions. This outcome will aggravate the long -term damage caused by the Russian economy, concludes British intelligence.