British intelligence on unpreparedness of mobilized to fight

People who were called under mobilization have already begun to arrive at the Russian military bases, however, the level of their preparedness for hostilities leaves much to be desired, according to the intelligence report of the British Ministry of Defense.

“Unlike most Western armies, Russian troops teach soldiers in appointed operational units, and not in special educational institutions. The system works in such a way that one battalion in each Russian brigade remains in the garrison if the other two are deployed. This It is necessary that the personnel of instructors can be provided for the training of recruits. However, now, due to the total shortage of the military, this rule has neglected and transferred many of these third battalions to Ukraine, ”the summary says.

Another problem, as emphasized in intelligence, is the lack of combat experience with the draftees: “The absence of military instructors and the haste with which Russia began mobilization suggests that many of the drafted military personnel will go to the front line with practically unprepared. Apparently, they will suffer from a high level of exhaustion, ”the message says.